Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Perdimos la clase del lunes pasado, so here it's a homework for next Monday, January 25

Mis queridos estudiantes: No tuvimos clases este lunes 18 y eso nos atrasa. Para el lunes que viene quiero que hagan la siguiente tarea. Que vayan a Miami Bourbaki, lean este post y que dejen un comentario (de 50-75 palabras). Firmen con su nombre. El post tiene que ver con qué es (y no es) arte; qué significa el concepto en el arte. Si tienen preguntas háganlas aquí.

Please, write your comments in English.

1 comment:

  1. What is art? Art is anything that moves you, personally, I don't think it has a define meaning. Art interacts with each individual differently, it's like a religion, you have to believe in it. Some people are blind to art, simply because they are closed minded. I believe we are all a masterpiece, and our creator (artist) depends on who or what you believe in. The more you think about it, the more confusing it becomes. Like art! So what is art you ask? Anything you want it to be.
    Jesus A. Mendez
